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歡迎光臨JAVBaike:你的線上日本成人影片百科。 - JAVBaike

Release Date: 2010-06-05
Sale Date: 2010-06-05
Length: 62分
Director: Takehoratetsuya
Maker: Ookuraeiga
Label: Ookuraeizou
User Rating: 10
One wedding invitation which reached the certain noodle shop. In the mind of Kazuyoshi of the storekeeper to see the name of the sender of the letter of invitation of the So, a scene of the ascetic practices Jidai was projected clearly like yesterday…. The rustic seaside noodle shop where I was impressed deeply with taste of the udon for younger days of Kazuyoshi and was apprenticed to. Kazuyoshi who fell in love with Landlady, Hideko of the shop of the So at first sight. However, Hideko sends thought to taciturn cook, Shinsuke. Kazuyoshi challenges Shinsuke to an udon game for marriage with Hideko to put an end to delicate relations.

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