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歡迎光臨JAVBaike:你的線上日本成人影片百科。 - JAVBaike

ID: H_094KTDS00596 H_094KTDS596 H_094KTDS596R KTDS-596 KTDS596
Release Date: 2013-09-15
Sale Date: 2013-09-15
Length: 120分 (HD版:120分)
Maker: Kay tribe
Label: K-Tribe
User Rating: 7
Glasses, the character are the quiet Girls that I am not spirited and walked the shade so far, Manami of the quiet child in Black Hair. Did not defy him to be able to employ of the only trust; according to his saying obediently of him said, but came much more in that way until now to remain it. One day when he sent her to the room, stripped off clothes forcibly, and pushed away hands and feet to a Tying Up chair tightly. While she who is surprised, and is frightened has tears in her eyes; "is you"…When anything heard Koto to say because it was Daisuki, accepted his All.

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