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歡迎光臨JAVBaike:你的線上日本成人影片百科。 - JAVBaike

ID: H_173TGGP00008
Release Date: 2013-06-25
Sale Date: 2013-06-25
Length: 109分
Director: kan*
Maker: GIGA
Label: GIGA
User Rating: 0
Wore a super armor suit in the body as Milky Way investigator Jasper, and the earth working full time investigator Anna of the Milky Way preservation mechanism that was the survivor of the Mariner star cast the body for a fight with the Karma Teikoku. However, the Karma Teikoku chose the wicked founder Muu which ruined a hometown Mariner star of the Anna to a boss of the overthrow jasper at last! The wicked founder Muu keeps an inborn brain alive, and interfere with transformation to jasper, and it is with super armor suits of the So or a weight, and fall on the body of the Anna. The Anna damaged a face of the Muu, and was involved in the wrath of the So in Tako, and energy has been done with the specimen of the Adam plan to concentrate it, and to exploit it by Breast Milk. Super armor is destroyed, and transform itself forcibly, and the caught Anna is removed. In the place where I became a real fresh-and-blood woman, a body is teased by Muu, and an alien substance is screwed into Hi region….

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